25 Mart 2016 Cuma

The Two Towers

     Second film of the serie, The Two Towers,is just like a clue that something spectacular is coming. I mean its topic shows us that there is gonna be a big war.Everyone knows The power Ring is around and everybody wants to have it for themselves.Frudo and Sam continue their journey towards Mordor to destroy the one Ring meeting and joined by Gollum,the Rings former owner. Every race gains their power for the coming war but protagonists lose a big power whose name is Saruman in other words "wise magician".Saruman saw that the bad side ;orcs,goblins and Sauron is more powerful than the good side;humans and Elfs so he change his side and stood with the bad side.Learning that Gandalf the grey fought with him but he lost.Antagonists I mean Saruman with an army of Uruk-hai,which is a combination of mountain men and the orcs,attacked the helm's deep, human's castle, but humans won the battle with the help of Rohan's Rangers.Then Isengard,the castle of Saruman was under attacked by treebeard the Ent's army.In conclusion Saruman was defeated in to battle and lost his power.
     The title of the book and film comes from the towers of Isengard and Mordor.

    As I mentioned in my first words that this film is a clue for the third film is gonna be awesome.I strongly recommend you that watch this series,you won't regret.
     I will publish my last release on this topic as soon as possible.Just be around...

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